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The purpose of this course is to provide all the notions, knowledge and skills relating to physical security and logical security necessary to operate in the security sector.

The course will cover information technology for security, telecommunications for security, security systems and systems (intrusion detection, access control, video surveillance, integrated systems), communications security (cryptography, wired network security, wireless network security). ) and the human factor in security.

The course includes seminars held by authoritative national experts in the sector (in the classroom) and international experts in the sector (in videoconference, in the classroom, and in English, supported by simultaneous translation by the teacher) and educational visits which will be agreed, from time to time, with the students of the course.

After the course, it is possible to follow the relevant paid course provided annually by the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, to obtain, after the final exam, the qualification to operate as a "Security Manager", compliant with UNI 10459: 2017.

Furthermore, following the course, it is also possible to follow the relevant paid course provided annually by the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, to obtain, after the final exam, the qualification to operate as a "Data Protection Officer" (equivalent to the Data Protection Officer - DPO - profile of EU Regulation 2016/679) and "Privacy Manager" compliant with UNI 11697:2017.




(Updated program will be published soon)




Handhouts available on Classroom

Handbook of Communication Security, Fabio Garzia, WIT Press

The Phsychology of Security, Emergency and Risk, F. Borghini, F. Garzia, G. Borghini, A. Borghini, WIT Press




In order to enrich the training of the students of the course, one-hour seminars are planned held by authoritative national experts in the sector (in the classroom) and international experts in the sector (in videoconference, in the classroom, and in English, supported by simultaneous translation by the teacher).

The calendar will be updated as the various speakers confirm their availability.




Information regarding partial examinations will be provided during the course. Students are recommended to bring with them an identification document (in addition to the one to be left, if necessary, at the entrance to the Istituto Superiore Antincendio, if the partial examination takes place there), and a calculator for carrying out the calculations (it is strictly forbidden to use the calculator on the mobile phone which must be left at the entrance to the classroom, in a safe and controlled area, together with backpacks, bags and anything else not indicated and authorized) which must not be of the programmable type and /o containing data pertinent to the exam topics and which can be used only and exclusively if a test is foreseen which includes exercises requiring numerical calculations. The exchange and/or loan of calculators between students during the test in which their use is possible is strictly prohibited.

During partial examinations, consulting books, handouts, notes, etc. is strictly prohibited, under penalty of cancellation of the test. These materials must be left in backpacks, bags, etc. as indicated above.

The sheets necessary for carrying out the exams (both for formal submission and for notes on calculations/etc.), appropriately marked, will be delivered to the classroom, therefore it is strictly forbidden to bring and/or use other types of sheets. All papers that will be given to students must be returned.

Students will therefore be able to bring with them, during the exam tests, only and exclusively pens for writing. The calculator must be left in backpacks/bags etc. and can be taken and used only when carrying out a possible test which includes exercises that require calculations.

There are 2 partial examinations for the various parts of the course. The date, time, content and methods of carrying out these exemptions will be advertised on this page adequately in advance to also allow the participation of students who cannot attend lessons.

For partial examinations, booking on INFOSTUD is not required but only communication via email to the course teacher if it is not possible to book during lessons.

Reservation is not necessary for students who have already taken part in the first partial examinations.




The exam consists of three written tests and there is an appropriate rest interval between the various tests.

The first test, lasting 45 minutes, includes an extended open-ended question.

The second test, lasting 45 minutes, includes 10 synthetic open-ended questions (the space available for each answer is limited and indicated on the exam sheets themselves which will be delivered at the beginning of the test).

The third test, lasting 45 minutes, includes related exercises of the type that can be downloaded from this page under "Educational material" or asked via email to the teacher.

Any oral exam is at the discretion of the teacher or at the student's request. If the number of students is not large, any two tests will take place on the same day.

Students are recommended to bring with them an identification document (in addition to the one to be left, if necessary, at the entrance to the Istituto Superiore Anticendio, if the exam takes place there), and a calculator for carrying out the calculations (it is strictly forbidden to use the calculator on the mobile phone which must be left at the entrance to the classroom, in a safe and controlled area, together with backpacks, bags and anything else not indicated and authorized) which must not be of the programmable type and /o containing data pertinent to the exam topics and which can be used only and exclusively if a test is foreseen which includes exercises requiring numerical calculations. The exchange and/or loan of calculators between students during the test in which their use is possible is strictly prohibited.

During exams, consulting books, handouts, notes, etc. is strictly prohibited, under penalty of cancellation of the test. which must be left in backpacks, bags, etc. as indicated above.

The sheets necessary for carrying out the exams (both for formal submission and for notes on calculations/etc.), appropriately marked, will be delivered to the classroom, therefore it is strictly forbidden to bring and/or use other types of sheets. All papers that will be given to students must be returned.

Students will therefore be able to bring with them, during the exam tests, only and exclusively pens for writing. The calculator must be left in backpacks/bags etc. and can be taken and used only when carrying out a possible test which includes exercises that require calculations.




Tuesday 11/06, 2 PM, room 30, Via Eudossiana 18

Monday 15/07, 2 PM, room 37, Via Eudossiana 18

Monday 09/09, 2 PM, room 20, Via Eudossiana 18 




Reservations required on the INFOSTUD website, allowed up to 2 days before the exam.

For partial examinations, booking on INFOSTUD is not required but only communication via email to the course teacher if it is not possible to book during lessons.




Except for last minute changes, for which please consult the official calendar on the website of the Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering, lessons will be held from 02/26/2024 to 05/28/2024, with the following timetable:

Monday: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM (room 3, via Eudossiana 18)

Tuesday: 2.00 PM - 6.00 PM (room 17, via Eudossiana 18)

All updated information regarding the course is available on Google Classroom (code wnu4ybs).